The demonstrations started at the artificial beach on Friday evening. Numerous political parties are non-profit organizations contributed towards organizing the rally which kicked off the demonstration. A number of people spoke out at the demonstration, harshly criticizing the violation of human rights and damages being inflicted on Palestinians by the Jews

The Human Rights Commissioner Ahmed Saleem, Shaheem from Adhalath Party, and other high-profile figures addressed the crowd, and spoke out that the Maldivians are with the people of Palestine. They strictly condemned the military attacks carried out by the mighty military force of Israel against the powerless Palestinians in violation to international conventions.
The Ambassador for Human Rights MoAhamed Latheef, and the speaker of the People's Majlis Mohamed Shihab were among those present at the demonstration.

The demonstration called for no ties to be kept with the Jews, to avoid buying Jewish products, and to make sure Jews are not allowed to trade in Maldives to any extent. Hundreds of people expressed their views against Israel, in the rally which went on from Artificial Beach in Henveiru Ward to the Masjidh Mohamed Bin Abdullah Mosque in Maafannu Ward. The demonstrators also prayed for victory to the people of Palestine, as the words "Allah Akbar" echoed throughout the streets.
A special prayer was recited for the Palestinian people, after Magrib prayers at the Mohamed Bin Abdullah Mosque. Also, the Friday sermon by Imam Dr.Abdul Majeed Abdul Baary also reflected on a prayer for victory and triumph for the people of Palestine.
Source : Miadhu

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